Don Quixote: the Reality-Inspired Parts of Cervantes's Unreal Universe
Don Quixote , as is the modern name of Miguel de Cervandes's epic, probably is the most read novel of the entire world. Actually, Don Quixote appears to be the second most read book of all ages, after the Bible. This is not the only decorating title of Don Quixote . Acclaimed literature researchers have named Don Quixote as the first novel of modern history. The pity is Miguel de Cervantes never enjoyed the fruit of his good work. An author of this era barely - almost never - were rewarded by their publishers for all their hard and good work. Even if there's someone not having read the iconic book of Miguel de Cervantes, I suppose most of us know pretty much what the story is about. Don Quixote , a man committed to (or even obsessed with) chivalry, sets out with his loyal Sancho Panza to restore injustice in the world, according to the "values of the old times". This "expedition" leads Quixote in several odd circumstances, such as fighting against windmills...